Why do I do this?

Since MasteringElectronicsDesign.com was born my friends asked me, why do I do this? Why do I spend my time writing at this blog? The answer is simple, I enjoy it.

Over time, I realized that I like answering questions regarding different subjects in electronics design. And people sense this. No matter what company I worked for, somehow my colleagues realized that they can ask questions and that I always would answer them. So I got this idea to start a blog about electronics. I was amazed of how many people visited its pages in the first month. The response was huge for a just born website.

When I started this blog I looked for an open source CMS (Content Management System) and I realized that the best that would suit my needs was WordPress. Its simple platform allowed me to start from zero articles and then grow it in time. I created my own WordPress theme by adapting the default one. I also like to use PHP, so this was a bonus.

Today, after a year and a half of blogging, I am in correspondence with people from all over the world. They ask questions, they comment, they want to understand more. I find out about projects they work on, from motion activated scarecrows and slope measurement instruments mounted on bikes, to self made solar power generators and autopilots with integrated GPS navigation systems for boating. Although I knew that the human mind has unlimited potential for innovation and project tackling, I would have not experienced it first hand, had I not been exposed to these projects.

My website will continue to grow. Besides analog design articles, I also plan to write about digital design and also touch subjects in website design and PHP. The inspiration for these articles has no limits because it comes from all of you, my readers.

(This article was viewed 1,374 times)

10 thoughts on “Why do I do this?”

  1. I totally second Manny’s comment. Adrian’s and Rick’s ecircuitcenter.com(heavy on spice) are two absolute gems. Keep those posts coming along Adrian for our sakes!

    yours truly

  2. Keep going, man! I also has a blog where I write about embedded systems, linux and programming. I know how hard is to write a good article and time and dedication it demands from us. But it’s always very nice to find websites like yours. Cheers!


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